Saturday, April 24, 2010


Telepathy is exploring someone's thoughts. You can also send to them through telepathy. Like, pick a letter and have a friend that you will be sending to, have them receive. Imagine you are linking to them, to their thoughts (sender). When you feel you are linked, clear your mind except for the letter.
Picture the letter in your mind in different colour, size, and fonts. Think the word as you do this. The receiver must clear their minds and must be open to all thoughts they receive or think they receive. Do not have the receiver say the letter until they think they absolutely know what it is.
The best way I've found to practise telepathy is to still the mind first. This is best done, by focusing on an object and following the breath till the mind is still. If you find your thoughts intruding while doing this just release the thoughts with the breath as they rise.
Now you will learn what makes telepathy and telekinesis possible on the left side of the brain. Just left of the crown chakra there is a channel that extends into the prefrontal lobes and minds eye. As you open the channel you also begin to awaken the etheric mind chakra just above the head to the right side of the head.
Now once the mind is still I focus on sending the thought in this channel and sending through the pre frontal lobes out into the etheric plain.

Now this might seem odd to you. But I would like to point out that around all physical matter we find etheric matter. Which would indicate that telepathy much like telekinesis is in fact etheric in nature.
However on the right side we find the opposing channel just right of the crown chakra. I've found in my conclusions that this channel is linked with telekinesis and the etheric body or casual body chakra as it is also known. Located on the left side just above the head

Mental telepathy is defined as "Communication through means other than the senses, or thought transference." This is a rather dry way of putting it, but is an accurate definition nonetheless. Solid proof as to whether telepathy is even a valid phenomenon has been extremely elusive over time, despite continuing efforts. Most evidence is anecdotal and therefore not accepted scientifically.

Having said that, most of us have had a telepathic experience at some point whether we realized it or not. Lots of things happen in life that we attribute to coincidence or chance that may actually be telepathic manifestations. Just because we can't prove it at this time, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are many things related to the mind, thought processes, and spirit that we still know little or nothing about. We know that thoughts are a type of energy, but we don't know much about how that energy originates or how it is dispersed. It could be that we are tapping into the theorized global consciousness, with our thoughts going out into a network to finally make their way to their destination, much like the phone network. Or it could be that we can actually focus thoughts like a laser beam at a particular receptive individual, whether they are aware of the process or not.
 Anecdotal evidence of telepathy is really quite overwhelming, even if we can't come up with a repeatable scientific test to confirm it. The mother who is instantly aware that her daughter has had an accident, the person who thought about someone they haven't seen in years, then runs across that very person in a supermarket the next day, the strong feeling that the phone is about to ring, and then it does - all of these are likely manifestations of telepathy. As human beings, we are interconnected in ways that we don't fully understand, and therefore, it stands to reason that telepathy is as natural as breathing, but is for the most part stifled in our modern world with all it's distractions.
 In my research for this topic, I encountered conflicting theories on how far we can actually go telepathically. It's pretty clear that we can wittingly or unwittingly transmit or receive messages, especially in times of stress or crisis. But can we influence that actions of others by thought transference alone? Hard to say but I think those with a strong motivation probably can. More on that in a moment.
 It took me a long time to put this page together because in my research I kept getting sidetracked with different aspects of telepathy, and it took some time to sort it all out. One of the most interesting is the theory that we can telepathically communicate with our pets - especially dogs. We know pretty much zero about how our pets think, but for dogs in particular, we already know that they are very attuned to us. Mine are young dogs - under 2 years old, and have been taught the basics, like sit, lay down, etc. On and off as they have come up to me, I have sat in my chair and looked at them and thought "SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT." You might not believe me, but in every case, those dogs plop right down before a minute is even up. I suppose it's possible that they are getting some kind of non-telepathic cue from me, but it appears (at least with my dogs) that a mental command to sit is pretty much as good as a verbal one. I encourage all who have dogs to try this. It's absolutely amazing.
 Now, back to whether we can influence other people by thought alone. In my experience, the answer is yes, to a point. I don't think you can will someone to commit murder or jump off a cliff telepathically, but I do believe strongly that you can influence someone to think about you and possibly call or come by if you feel strongly that you want to see them. This would obviously have to be someone you had a fairly close emotional relationship with at some point in time, like a sister, brother, a close friend. It takes persistence and concentration, but not an enormous amount of energy such as what it would take to bend a spoon telekinetically. Just think of them often and concentrate on them. If you pass near their house in your car, call out their name. Visualize their face and call their name as you go to sleep at night and say Call Me! Imagine that your thoughts are a laser beam and point them in the direction of their house. Do this consistently and don't be surprised when the phone rings or they knock on your door within a month or so. Again, try this. If you are serious and persistent, it should work for you. One word of caution, though - be careful what you ask for.

 How to learn telepathy

Telepathy is a basic skill possessed by all humans, whether they know it or not. Why? Because we are spirits, not bodies. We existed in the spirit world as spirits, usually before we went into a body somewhere between conception and birth. How do spirits communicate with each other? Why, by telepathy of course!

However, many people's telepathic ability have atrophied for a number of reasons, including lack of use and being told that telepathy isn't real.

Learning telepathic transmission

This an entry level exercise the easiest you can do, it consist to send love to someone else.

Lie or sit comfortably, close your eyes and imagine a bright violet sphere of violet light on top of your head this one symbolize your crown chakra which hold your energy of wisdom, now focus on the center of your chest and imagine a bright pink light which hold your love-energy.
Imagine a flow of violet light coming from your crown chakra to your heart chakra, this make your heart energy wiser because without wisdom your heart is sentimental and irrational, make the light of heart reach your crown chakra because without heart energy your crown 
chakra is cold and distant, play with this until you have a good feeling of it to finish imagine a stream of light coming from your heart chakra to the heart chakra of someone you have
 chosen. Do it for a couple of minutes, you know when the other person has received your telepathic transmission by the way you feel, if you are feeling better and happier and it is an excellent sign that your message has been received in certain rare case, you might feel drained and frustrated it happens when you send love to someone who has closed his heart to you.

This exercise will show you that telepathy is real, and improve your abilities. A key to telepathy is to "Be present". That is, be "here" and be "now". Still your mind. Do not think of any other place. Do not think of the past or the future. This is the hardest part of telepathy. Sit down with another person. Have seven different colored pencils between you. Choose one person to "send" and the other to "receive". The person who sends chooses a color in their mind. They then 'send' this color to the mind of the other person. Once they have started to do that, they say "start". The person who is receiving then looks into the other person's mind to see what they are sending. They say one color, for example "blue". The sender then says one of two things. If they were sending blue, they say "yes", and then choose another (or the same color) and says "start" and send again. If they were not sending blue they say "no" (nothing else) and the receiver keeps working to get the color. Do this for five to ten minutes. Then switch sides. Then take a break. This can be very exhausting. Only do a little at a time until you are used to it. Most people tend to be better at either sending or receiving.If you do this with children particularly, you may be surprised how quickly they come to the right answer.

After you have mastered this exercise, you can progress to harder and harder exercises, such as

1) Do it with other people (telepathy is easier to do with people you are close to and that you practice with)
2) Do it with more colors, then numbers, then objects in the room, then any word, then sentence.
3) Do it with a door between you
4) Do it over the phone

Later, whenever you get a thought, and someone acts on that thought, for example, you think of a person and they ring you, the trick is to discover, who had the thought first? Did you think of it and send it? Or did you think of it and they picked it up? Or the other way around?

You can also practice telepathy with animals. Animals and children are very telepathic. I have been told by different people that many circus horses and dolphins are trained by telepathy.

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