Monday, April 26, 2010


Believe it or not, people are able to do a lot of things, it is proven. It is seen. It is not just another trick but something. You will learn that the ability of telekinesis is very natural occurrence and we all have the ability to perform telekinesis it's just a matter of learning the ability. It is primarily a Mind/Brain/Consciousness related phenomenon though certainly its roots are sub-atomic like all manifestations. Some research shows there is a lot of activity in the cortex of the brain in relationship to this.

Telekinesis is essentially the ability to move an object on the physical plane using only psychic power. While some people think that it is an occult practice, this is not strictly so.
I can only give my perspective, but I believe that we are all born with this skill. It is inherent, like walking, talking, breathing. We simply neglect it from day one.
A common theory is that TK works by energy fields (magnetic or electric) or by "waves" of psychic energy, which are actually dense enough to push/repel an object.
Most people's only encounter with TK is accidental- something mysteriously falls over or objects fly around a room, a phenomena often mistaken for a poltergeist when it may actually be a person with spontaneous telekinetic powers.

A Theory on Telekinesis

Every living person has a brain. Obviously. To say anything otherwise would be preposterous. However, we don't use the entire brain, we don't even use the better fraction of it. We also each use different parts more than others.
Some people enjoy art, some enjoy math and numbers, logic, sports, writing, dancing, and collecting... all of these activities use a different part of the brain.
This is like psychic ability. We all use some of our total psychic potential, but far from all of it. Some of us just "know" when something it going to happen, or can predict an outcome better than most people, or get a "sense" of whether a person you just met is of a good or bad character. All of these are uses of the psychic power.

Just like the brain, we can also exercise the parts that lay unused. An artist can learn algebra if they really put their nose to the grindstone. Just the same, you can learn telekinesis with proper training and expanding of your natural psychic abilities.
The only thing that holds you back, is not believing in yourself. Just like the child who says, "I can't do math, it's impossible", the person who says, "I can't use telekinesis, I just don't have the ability" is holding themselves back. They say that you're your own worst critic. Well, stop it! Believe in yourself and the abilities will follow.

Telekinesis is moving things using your mind. If you're going to try telekinesis, you have to be relaxed, clear of thoughts, and you have to be able to concentrate on that object and nothing else. Some people think you should meditate before trying to use telekinesis.
You have to be very dedicated because it can take years to learn, but I think it's worth the wait. Think of your goal in your head, imagining it over and over, thinking of nothing but the object and your goal. Do this for as long as you're comfortable with, and do it daily
After some time you will start to see results. I've found that light things are easier to start with. Some experiments are: Rolling a pen touching it less each time, using a light piece of paper is pretty easy, a toothpick in water, trying to make the fire of a candle lean to one direction, a feather in a bottle, balancing a spoon on the edge of a glass and trying to make the spoon rock off, and last but pretty easy is bending silverware or keys. Bending silverware is a little different. You hold the object of choice in your hand, and you feel the surface as you imagine in your head bending the silverware.
The thing is, you don't "make" it bend, you "let" it bend. Levitation is pretty much a form of telekinesis so use the same method as telekinesis if you want to levitate something or yourself off the ground. Some people think telekinesis has to do with magnetic energy, and some think it's the use of energy.

You must be willing to work hard and keep trying despite multiple failures.  You must be able to relax and clear your mind of clutter.  You must be able to concentrate on one thing for an extended period of time.  You must think of and affirm your goal during all your daily activities.  You must set aside a minimum of 30-60 minutes per day to concentrate solely on your goal, and be prepared to keep this up for a long time.  Essentially, you need extremely strong willpower, perseverance, concentration, and a desire to succeed.  Eliminate words like discouragement and failure from your vocabulary.  You will know if you are on the right track if you feel a bit drained after these exercises - extreme focusing is hard work!
We have had some feedback that indicates that when learning to focus intently, as in the following exercises, it helps to think about the properties of mundane everyday objects as the dynamic, energetic entities that they really are on a molecular level.  Next time you have a moment free at work, look at that paperweight on your desk - or a paperclip or pencil, or whatever is handy.  Pick it up and feel its weight and contour.  As stated earlier, every object resonates at its own frequency.  Try to imagine what note in the octave your object is resonating at.  Is it a high pitch or a low pitch?  It is a middle C or an F-Sharp?  Try to feel the energy emanating from the object on a molecular level.  Do this daily with any object that strikes your fancy, and you will begin to understand the concept of how your energy melds with everyday objects that surround you.  Once you have trained yourself to feel this at a molecular level, all else will become much less difficult. 

Becoming One With the Object

Stare at the base of the flame (not at the flame itself, don't get retina burn, and yes, you may blink). Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative state. Watch how the candle dances and moves. Imagine the flame as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg. Keep watching, and when you feel it is a part of you, try flexing it. See the flame grow wider, thinner, taller, shorter, flicker, or stand still. Do this for 5-10 minutes, then snuff the candle out.

Bending a Fork, Spoon, or Key
Hold the fork, spoon, or key comfortably in the palm of your hand.  Clear your mind and focus on the feel of the object.   Close your eyes and with the fingertips of the other hand, gently rub the surface of the object.  Note the contours and feel of the object.  Put yourself into the flow of energy in the object.  Feel the molecules and atoms flowing.  Try to become one with the object, and imagine it twisting or bending.  You may feel some warmth emanating from the object.  Keep trying for as long as you can focus with no interference.

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