Monday, May 10, 2010


Life at school goes on happily until there is the announcement of exams. I enter a state of ‘total shock’ whenever I hear the word ‘exam’!

Exams mean no television, no computer games, no fun activities and no long sleeping hours — only studies, studies and studies. 

This is what happens to every student whether intelligent, dumb, active or shy. Therefore, every student, including myself, wishes that there were no exams at all because exams bring lots of tension and anxiety with them.

Let me explain the changes that occurs in the life of a student after the announcement of the examination schedule. First of all he has to lock himself in a room with all his textbooks and notes — nothing but dry information can enter the room. This is a little bit bearable but the next step is more horrible — to study all the textbooks and notes. A student burns the midnight oil and works very hard to achieve good grades, but you know what happens to him? His parents and teachers are never satisfied with his efforts.

He receives his question paper and starts to count the seconds, minutes and hours, which pass slowly, slowly and more slowly. At last three hours pass away. Oh! A sigh of relief escapes his mouth. Now he can return to his real life — the life that he wishes for, the life that gives him joy and happiness, the life that gives him enjoyment. My friends, life is the most precious gift of Allah. This whole universe is great to see and experience. But alas! Our life is being wasted by this ‘dragon of exams’.

Just imagine life without exams. We will have more time to explore new things rather than memorising the old ones. We will have more affection from our parents and teachers, as there will be no pressure on us to get good grades and all that!

At the end, I request the school/college administration to stop this cruelty, to stop this oppression and to stop this system of examination and return to us our smiles and chubby cheeks.

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