Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10 Ways to earn Hasanaat

1. Give a copy of Quran to someone and each time they read from it, you will gain hasanaat. 2. Donate a wheel chair to a hospital and each time a sick person uses it, you will gain hasanaat.
3. Share constructive reading material with someone.
4. Help in educating a child.
5. Teach someone to recite a dua. With each recitation, you will gain hasanaat.
6. Share a dua or Quran CD.

7. Participate in the building of a mosque.

8. Place a water cooler in a public place.
9. Plant a tree.Each time any person or an animal sits under its shade or eats from the tree, you will gain hasanaat.

10. Share this with someone. If one person applies any of the above you will receive your hasanaat until the Day of Judgment.

Monday, December 27, 2010

We call it Coincidence....

"Coincidences" are familiar to all of us. They can involve startling conjunctions of events, such as chance meetings with old friends, or coincidences of personal habits or of anniversaries. Coincidences play a larger part in out lives than we realize, they have the potential to change lives. The world is filled with astonishing occurrences of coincidence that defy explanation. Are these incredible true stories of mere chance or the hand of fate?

There is a famous quote, "A coincidence is when God preforms a miracle and decides to stay anonymous."

These are one of the most astonishing coincedences:

The stories of identical twins' nearly identical lives are often astonishing, but perhaps none more so than those of identical twins born in Ohio. The twin boys were separated at birth, being adopted by different families. Unknown to each other, both families named the boys James. And here the coincidences just begin. Both James grew up not even knowing of the other, yet both sought law-enforcement training, both had abilities in mechanical drawing and carpentry and each had married women named Linda. They both had sons whom one named James Alan and the other named James Allan. The twin brothers also divorced their wives and married other women - both named Betty. And they both owned dogs which they named Toy. Forty years after their childhood separation, the two men were reunited to share their amazingly similar lives.

In Detroit sometime in the 1930s, a young (if incredibly careless) mother must have been eternally grateful to a man named Joseph Figlock. As Figlock was walking down the street, the mother's baby fell from a high window onto Figlock. The baby's fall was broken and both man and baby were unharmed. A stroke of luck on its own, but a year later, the very same baby fell from the very same window onto poor, unsuspecting Joseph Figlock as he was again passing beneath. And again, they both survived event.

While American novelist Anne Parrish was browsing bookstores in Paris in the 1920s, she came upon a book that was one of her childhood favorites - Jack Frost and Other Stories. She picked up the old book and showed it to her husband, telling him of the book she fondly remembered as a child. Her husband took the book, opened it, and on the flyleaf found the inscription: "Anne Parrish, 209 N. Weber Street, Colorado Springs." It was Anne's very own book.

It seemed the obvious thing to do for a 10 year old. Laura Buxton was at her grandparent's golden wedding anniversary and there was a helium filled balloon going spare. So she wrote on a label her address with the message 'Please return to Laura Buxton' and released the balloon to fly off in the sky. Laura was in Staffordshire, England. Ten days passed and a farmer in Milton Lilbourne, Wiltshire pulled a balloon out of the hedge that separated his fields from his neighbour's house. He noticed the name of Laura Buxton. As this was the name of his neighbour's daughter he handed over the balloon straight away, thinking it must belong to her. But this was a different Laura Buxton, though she was also ten years old, but she lived 140 miles away from the girl who had released the balloon. Laura Buxton from Milton Lilbourne got out her pen and wrote to Laura Buxton in Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire. As this was such a coincidence their parents allowed them to meet up ... and then it got a lot more of a bizarre coincidence. The girls, both tall for their age, were the same height and both decided to wear pink sweaters and jeans for their first meeting. Their hair was brown and they both wore it in the same style ... but there's still more!Both girls had three year old black Labrador Retrievers dogs and grey pet rabbits. They also had guinea pigs, which were the same color and even had the same orange markings on their hindquarters.

Test Your Writing Skills

Try writing on any of these creative-writing topics and test your skills!

1. You gain the ability to receive everything that you think about. How do you use this newfound power to increase your money, your possessions, and your charity?

2. Write a list of 25 things you want to do in your life.

3. How old would you be if you didn't know your real age?

4. The leaves on all the trees have changed color and begun to fall all around town. How does this multi-colored landscape make you feel? Write about Autumn season.

5. Write about Coincidence

6. Write about Destiny

7. Write about Mystery

8. Write about Snowflakes

9. Write about the Sun

10. Your favorite pet is very ill. The vet says that he could survive up to one more year but in increasingly worse pain. He suggests putting the pet down. Describe what you do.

11. In a “Freaky Friday” situation, you have switched bodies with your mother or father. Describe your next 24 hours.

12. In a detailed manner, write about the day of and the day after your little brother or sister was born.

13. Your best friend in the world calls you and tells you a secret that changes your friendship forever. Describe the conversation and the aftermath.

14. You wake up to find yourself in your five-year-old body and back in time. How do you spend your first 24 hours in this situation?

15. While organizing your bookshelf, you notice a book called, “The Story of You.” You open it to find a description of your own life up to this point. As you flip farther, it details your existence until death. What do you do?

16. Pick the person you most want to see in the world right now. Write a monologue or a letter to that person and then continue the story.

17. Write a story from the perspective of your favorite childhood pet. Make sure to include details about how the pet sees you and your family.

18. It's hot. Sticky hot. You are sitting in your house or apartment with broken air conditioning and an outside temperature of 100 degrees F. Describe your day.

19. You are standing on the edge of the sand right before your feet are hitting the water. You stare out into the ocean. Write a story about the many thoughts going through your head.

20. You are standing on the edge of the sand right before your feet are hitting the water. You stare out into the ocean. Write a story about the many thoughts going through your head.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tanganyika laughter epidemic

The laughter epidemic began on January 30, 1962 at a mission-run boarding school for girls in Kashasha. The laughter started with three girls and spread haphazardly throughout the school, affecting 95 of the 159 pupils, aged 12 – 18.[2][3] Symptoms lasted from a few hours to 16 days in those affected. The teaching staff were not affected but reported that students were unable to concentrate on their lessons. The school was forced to close down on March 18, 1962.

After the school was closed and the students were sent home, the epidemic spread to Nshamba, a village that was home to several of the girls. In April and May, 217 people had laughing attacks in the village, most of them being school children and young adults. The Kashasha school was reopened on May 21, only to be closed again at the end of June. In June, the laughing epidemic spread to Ramashenye girls’ middle school, near Bukoba, affecting 48 girls. Another outbreak occurred in Kanyangereka and two nearby boys schools were closed.

The Tanganyika laughter epidemic is sometimes understood as implying that thousands of people were continuously laughing for months. However this may not have been the case. Other reports tell that the epidemic consisted of occasional attacks of laughter among groups of people, occurring throughout the vicinity of the village of Kashasha at irregular intervals. According to reports, the laughter was incapacitating when it struck.[citation needed] Scientists have confirmed that laughter can be contagious.[4]

The school from which the epidemic sprang was sued; the children and parents transmitted it to the surrounding area. Other schools, Kashasha itself, and another village, comprising thousands of people, were all affected to some degree. Six to eighteen months after it started, the phenomenon died off. The following symptoms were reported on an equally massive scale as the reports of the laughter itself: pain, fainting, respiratory problems, rashes, attacks of crying, random screaming. In total 14 schools were shut down and 1000 people were affected.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ages of Prophets

Hazrat Adam (Alayhimus salaam): One-thousand (1000) years

Hadhrat Idrees (Alayhimus salaam): Three-hundred and fifty-six (356) years

Hadhrat Nooh (Alayhimus salaam): Nine-hundred and fifty (950) years

Hadhrat Hud (Alayhimus salaam): Two-hundred and sixy-five (265) years

Hadhrat Saaleh (Alayhimus salaam): Five-hundred and eighty-six (586) years

Hadhrat Ayyoob (Alayhimus salaam): One-hundred and forty-six (146) years

Hadhrat Shoayb (Alayhimus salaam):Eight-hundred and eighty-two (882) years

Hadhrat Ibraaheem (Alayhimus salaam): One-hundred and ninety-five (195) years

Hadhrat Sulaimaan (Alayhimus salaam): One-hundred and fifty (150) years

Hadhrat Zakariyya (Alayhimus salaam): Two-hundred and seven (207) years

Hadhrat Ya’qoob (Alayhimus salaam): One-hundred and thirty-nine (139) years

Hadhrat Moosa (Alayhimus salaam): One-hundred and twenty-five (125) years

Hadhrat Ishaaq (Alayhimus salaam): One-hundred and twenty (120) years

Hadhrat Haaroon (Alayhimus salaam): One-hundred and nineteen (119) years

Hadhrat Ismaaéel (Alayhimus salaam): One-hundred and thirty-seven (137) years

Hadhrat Yuusuf (Alayhimus salaam): One-hundred and ten (110) years

Hadhrat Yahya (Alayhimus salaam): Ninety-five (95) years

Hadhrat Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam): Sixty-three (63) years

Saturday, December 4, 2010