1. Social niceties have gone out the window. The shock on people’s faces when you say ‘thank you’ and ‘please’
2. Traffic in any large city is dreadful, but in Karachi it is laced with sadism. Buses hate four-wheel-drive owners, who in turn hate sedans, car drivers hate rickshaws, rickshaw drivers hate motorcyclists and motorcyclists hate pedestrians. Pedestrians are the lowest in the chain. They are perpetually spat on, harassed and name-called for making the mistake of stepping on to the street.
3. The obsession with the bridges that has turned a city of 15 odd million into a polarised little group. People living on either side of the Clifton and Kala Pul bridges have built up an entire world of stereotypes about the ‘other side’ and you can expect to be ostracised for not belonging TO the ‘right side of the bridge’.
4. For years, the trump card in the Lahore vs Karachi debate was “but we have the beach”. But Seaview — Karachi’s most well-known public beach — is also its biggest dumping ground; a mix of sewage, garbage, animal faeces and rotting fish.
5. The rain. Every year without fail, thanks to a mix of global warming and bad urban planning, the city turns into the set of Waterworld. There are no emergency services you can call to ask for help while your house floods, KESC refuses to answer phone calls and car owners delight in splashing pedestrians.
6. Everyone is out to get you. The sense of paranoia and outlandish rumours in Karachi have rendered this city into a psychotic mess where every year the number of people with depression increases.
7. Directions in Karachi go something along the lines of ‘Turn by the ice-box man’s shop, past Bano Aunty’s third daughter in-laws’ house, take another left, get into the smallest lane, and it’s the house with a big chicken on top and two cats outside.’ Is there a house number? No.
8. Karachiites adore fads. The Farhat Hashmi fad had hundreds of rich, bored housewives donning burqas and issuing edicts such as ‘laughing is a waste of time’, Espresso opening up made everyone and their five-year-old son into cappuccino addicts and red bowling shoes were the hottest accessory when Area 51 opened up.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Rainbow CupCakes

This is simple to do by dividing the batter equally among six small bowls- I used yellow cake mix for deeper hues. Color each bowl of batter a different color. Make- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Layer colored batter in the order of a rainbow's colors into cupcake liners and bake according to the package directions. Remember the order? ROY G. BIV: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Lessons to Learn in life
- Drink plenty of water.
- Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is
- manufactured in plants.
- Make time to meditate.
- (Breathe)
- Read more books
- Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
- Sleep for 7 hours.
- Take a 10-30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile.
- Comparing our lives to others is fruitless. We have no idea what their journey is about.
- Replace negative thoughts with positive ones especially about things out of our control. Invest energy in the positive present moment.
- Try not to over do. Understand limits.
- Why take ourselves so seriously. No one else does.
- Gossip drains precious energy.
- Dream more while we are awake.
- Envy is a waste of time. We already have all we need.
- Forget issues of the past. Let go of our partners mistakes of the past. Focus on our present/future happiness.
- Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
- Make peace with our past so it won’t spoil the present.
- No one is in charge of our happiness except us.
- Realize that life is a school and we are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons we learn will last a lifetime.
- Smile and laugh more.
- We don’t have to win arguments. It’s ok to agree to disagree.
- Call your family often.
- Each day give something good to others.
- Forgive everyone for everything.
- Spend time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
- Try to make at least three people smile each day.
- What other people think of you is insignificant compared to what you think of yourself.
- Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends & family will. Stay in touch.
- Do the right thing!
- Be more towards your relegion
- Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
- (Higher powers) heal everything.
- However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
- No matter how we feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
- The best is yet to come.
- When we awake alive in the morning, be thankful.
- Our Inner most is always happy. Release your “Inner Happy” on the world every day!
Studying Eyes
What Are Your Eyes Giving Away?
References are made to our eyes in everyday conversation such as ‘don’t give me those puppy dog eyes’, ‘giving me the evil eye’ and many more such phrases.Your eyes can tell a lot about you and tell others even more simply by the way you use them. Eye communication is a great skill to have and eye contact is a great tool to master. We all use it and we all give away vital clues as to what we are thinking with our eyes.
The Pupils
Skilled street traders across the world look for the size of the pupils when bartering with their customers. If a customer sees an object and their pupils are fully dilated, then the trader knows they can keep the price of the item at the higher end.
When we are excited, our pupils will dilate, and when we are in the company of someone we don’t like, our pupils will constrict.
Wandering Eyes
Have you ever noticed when you are talking to someone that their eyes are looking everywhere and not at you. This in itself is an obvious sign of distraction or boredom however, it also means that the person is looking for a way to get out of your space. Looking out a window when someone is talking to you could mean they would rather be outside.
If you do this, be careful of the signals you are giving to the other person, unless you specifically want them to know you don’t want to be with them.
The Angry Eyes
When you are speaking to someone who is displaying signs of anger you can either back down or stand up for yourself, depending on what the situation warrants.
If you stand up for yourself you should be holding eye gaze and not break it. This shows the other person that you are not intimidated by them. If you are the one to break eye contact in a heated argument you have all but lost the argument.
Your Gaze
When we are talking to our friends and in social situations, and are looking and talking with another person for some time we unconsciously gaze at the persons face in a controlled manner. However, if we have lost confidence or we are not yet socially adept we can lose this ability. Here is a quick guide on where to focus your gaze when talking to someone.
Social Gazing
When you are speaking in a social setting you don’t want to stare into someone’s eyes as this is a bit strange for someone to do, and a bit off-putting for the talker. To get over this, use a triangle approach. First look at one eye of the talker, then look at their mouth, briefly, and then move onto their other eye. This shows you are still interested in what they have to say as you have not looked away from their face.
The Controlling Gaze
If you are looking to intimidate someone when you are talking to them, or are trying to control the conversation look at the area known as ‘the third eye’ which is the spot just between the eyebrows.
Can you tell if someone is lying with their eye movements?
Short answer to that is no. However, by looking at other body language signals and looking at their eyes you can get a good idea if someone is lying or not.
With the work of Bandler and Grinder and their excellent work on NLP we have an idea of how our eye movements relate to how we access information from the brain, which can help to tell is someone is lying or not.
Visual Accessing Cues
If someone is lying about something and making stories up they might be using this eye movement.
The information above represents the majority of people, but it may be different for some. However, it is still possible to work out a persons representational system by observing them when you ask them questions.
Monday, July 12, 2010
6 Utterly loyal dogs
Faithful, loyal, devoted, steadfast—that’s a good dog. It’s part of what they are. Here are six who give a new meaning to the word loyalty.
1. Hachiko
In the article 7 Heroic Dogs, we met Hachiko, an Akita who waited for his master every day for ten years, even though the man died at work. Hachiko is honored as a paragon of loyalty, but he is not the only dog who became known for extreme faithfulness to his master.
2. Ruswarp
Graham Nuttall and his border collie Ruswarp were an inseparable pair. Ruswarp was 14 years old when he and Nuttall went on a hike in the Welsh Mountains in January of 1990. They did not return as scheduled. 11 weeks later, another hiker found Nuttall’s body, and a cold and starving Ruswarp standing guard. The dog had to be carried off the mountain, and was cared for by a vet paid by the RSPCA. Ruswarp survived long enough to attend Nuttall’s funeral. Graham Nuttall was an activist involved with saving the scenic British railway line from Settle to Carlisle. The Friends of the Settle-Carlisle Line (FoSCL) raised money for a memorial to Ruswarp. A bronze statue of the dog will be installed at the Garsdale Station in North Yorkshire in early 2009.
3. Dorado
“I thought I was lost forever—the noise and the heat were terrifying—but I had to give Dorado the chance of escape. So I unclipped his lead, ruffled his head, gave him a nudge and ordered Dorado to go.”*
The dog was swept downstairs by the crowd of people. A few minutes later, Rivera felt the dog nuzzling his legs. He had come back up the staircase! Dorado and a co-worker helped Rivera climb down 70 flights, a trip that took an hour. Shortly after they emerged at ground level, the building collapsed. Rivera declared he owes his life to his companion and best friend, Dorado.
4. Cash
25-year-old Jake Baysinger was reported missing in Colorado on June 28, 2008. His body was found six weeks later in the Pawnee National Grassland by a rancher who was checking out a strange dog. The dog was Baysinger’s German shepherd Cash. Cash kept running between Baysinger’s body and his pickup truck, giving the rancher the idea that the dog was eager to show someone what had happened. Baysinger’s death was ruled a suicide, and Cash was reunited with Baysinger’s wife and young son. Investigators believe Cash survived by eating small animals and kept coyotes away from his master’s body. Cash was later honored with a gift basket of treats from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Image credit: Sara Loven/Greeley Tribune.
5. Greyfriars Bobby
Greyfriars Bobby became famous as a symbol of loyalty in Britain. He was a Skye terrier devoted to his owner, John Gray. When Gray died in 1858, he was buried without a gravestone. Still, Bobby found the spot and stayed there, guarding the grave and leaving only for food, for 14 years. Greyfriars Bobby himself died in 1872. A granite fountain was erected in 1873 to honor his loyalty, commissioned by a countess and paid for by the RSPCA. John Gray eventually got a headstone, paid for by Bobby’s fans. And Bobby received a headstone for his grave in 1981.
6. The Frontier Sheepdog
In the 1870s, a sheep rancher in New Mexico died alone in his remote home. Two years later, his death was discovered by visitors. Yet his flock of sheep were doing just fine, and had actually increased in number! The rancher’s dog had taken responsibility for the sheep, and had taken them out to pasture daily as he had always done, then herded them back home at night. In 1879, the New Mexico legislature voted to award a pension to the hard-working (but nameless) sheep dog. There are no pictures of this dog. The photo illustration is from Flickr user ingirogiro.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Beautiful Pictures
Everyone knew about world beautiful things. Those things which attract the human eye. we try to introduced some pictures, Those picture cannot relate with realty but its human dream and its so much beautiful. In which some pictures are below.1. Abstract – dreamy world
2. Abstract – man cloths
3. Abstract – men cloths image
4. Abstract – fighting on water
5. Abstract – bautiful sea side
6. Abstract – octopus in home
7. Abstract – big animal in room
8. Abstract - pool
9. Abstract – race starting point
10. Abstract – home without roof
11. Abstract – birds with newspaper
12. Abstract – men standing on tariff
13. Abstract – women sitting with panguin
14. Abstract – model
15. Abstract – engine
16. Abstract – city in cage
17. Abstract – six super heros
18. Abstract – 5 tornados in a century
19. Abstract – flying car
20. Abstract – nokia 6600
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Convicted forger A. Schiller was serving his time in Sing Sing prison in the late 1800s when guards found him dead in his cell. On his body they found seven regular straight pins whose heads measured the typical 47/1000ths of an inch or 1.17 millimeters in diameter. Under 500 magnification it was found that the tiny etchings seen on the heads of the pins were the words to The Lord's Prayer, which is 65 words and 254 letters long. Of the seven pins, six were silver and one was gold - the gold pin's prayer was flawless and a true masterpiece. Schiller had spent the last 25 years of his life creating the pins, using a tool too small to be seen by the naked eye. It is estimated that it took 1,863 sepatate carving strokes to make it. Schiller went blind because of his artwork. |
The House of Blood
Where is the house of blood? It could be your house with these home furnishings, most of which are available at the click of a mouse. Individually, they might be described as conversation pieces; put them all together and you’ll have a house of horrors no one would want to visit twice. One of these products used the description “Gruesome, bloody, and absolutely offensive.” This collection is not for the squeamish.
Dining Room
Designer Amy Lau was inspired by the serial killer show on Showtime when she came up with theseDexter dining room chairs. The chairs are decorated with embroidered blood spatters. There are also bloody dinner plates and disfigured flatware to match, available from Spring Design.
The Blood Bucket Lamp looks like it’s pouring all over your desktop, but the blood is the stem and base. Also available in a wall version, and in white if you’re squeamish. Ordering information is in Japanese.
This Blood Lamp doesn’t look that bloody, but the way you turn it on can be considered gruesome. It only works once, and you need to add of a drop of your blood to activate it! The idea is to stop and think about how badly you need light before you use it. Designer Mike Thompson created the lamp in order to draw attention to how much energy we waste.
The Bloody Kitchen Knife is food safe, except when someone comes into the kitchen and sees you use it!
Coffee Set
How about a 14-piece Bloody Coffee Set, complete with drops and smears? From designer Antonio Murado.
Table Linen
With all these implements of destruction this tableware, you need a tablecloth to match. The Bloody Hand Tablecover is available through Amazon.
Complete the look of your entertaining experience with Bleeding Pillar Candles that start out as ordinary white candles, but drip red wax as they burn!
Shower Curtain
Don’t forget the bathroom! The Blood Bath Shower Curtain features handprints in just the right shade of red. You’ll never be able to shower without thinking of a certain Alfred Hitchcock film.
The packaging on these towels spotted by Flickr user MShades lends a gruesome sight to your linen closet. There are towels for each blood type, sold at Loft Umeda in Japan.
Bath Mat
Complete the murderous bathroom look with the Bloody Bath Mat. It will never look clean, or safe.
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